Saturday 7 July 2012

Muse To My Ears

While sitting at my computer last night I was eager to get writing. The house was quite and this never happens, My other half was out and my son was tucked up in bed. I finally had the peace and quite I complain I never get and I couldn't wait to get writing... Except my mind went blank, and I couldn't think of a thing to write. This isn't what I expected to happen, surely my fingers should be tapping away at the keyboard as the words flowed out. how ever all I got was nothing. Nada. Zilch, what was wrong with me. Then it hit me, I need noise, I need the constant noise of my three year old running round the house laughing , playing, shouting, the thing normal three year old get up to and yes even Mickey mouse on the TV works as a muse.
Even the noise at work helps although I don't have my laptop there but I have my notebook with me at all times.

So here I am again while my son insists on using me as a trampoline or a climbing frame while I type away at the computer and I have already managed to get twice as many words down as I did last night. so from now on I will stop complaining about not having peace and quite and embrace the noise.

Obviously I need no better muse than my son and the constant natter.who am I to try and change things.

Got me wondering though when it comes to muses where do other writers get there inspiration from? Do others prefer the quite to write or like me do they prefer the hustle and bustle of daily life?

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